Introduction to the idea of creativity
Throughout this post I will explore the various ideas of "creativity" and how we can adapt our knowledge. Within this post I have shown examples of creativity and how they have adapted my knowledge ..
As a class we were given the chance to play the game consequences to reinforce our creative ideas. After creating a bizarre sentence “The lovely dog jumped over the rusty cat” we had to create a picture to demonstrate the sentence. Whilst using Photoshop to create this image we were given the opportunity to be as creative as we could as long as the Photo represented the sentence. This task was harder than anticipated as we had to avoid doing a Photo by stages. When creating this image we had to be imaginative and original.
As a class we were given the chance to play the game consequences to reinforce our creative ideas. After creating a bizarre sentence “The lovely dog jumped over the rusty cat” we had to create a picture to demonstrate the sentence. Whilst using Photoshop to create this image we were given the opportunity to be as creative as we could as long as the Photo represented the sentence. This task was harder than anticipated as we had to avoid doing a Photo by stages. When creating this image we had to be imaginative and original.
“The Pen”
The video of the pen enabled me to be creative as we were given no specific task that we had to follow. The only instructions we were left with was to create a 1 minute piece of footage with the involvement of a pen. Within the film our creativity is demonstrated as the idea was original and wasn’t as simple as it easily could have been. After coming up with a specific idea using our interpersonal skills, we took the tine to film the footage and demonstrate our ideas. We were put under pressure to complete the task within a short amount of time, personally I believe if we were given more time we could have been more creative.
Independant Study
Definitions of "creativity"
Web definition from Wikipedia
Creative thought is a mental process involving creative problem solving and the discovery of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the existing ideas of concepts, fueled by the process of either conscious of unconscious insight. From a scientific point of view, the products of creative thought are usually considered to have both originality and appropriateness.
Wikipedia Creativity
What is creativity? BY Linda Naiman
Linda Naiman said that she defines creativity as the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity involves two processes: thinking, then producing. Innovation is the production or implementation of an idea. If you have ideas, but don't act on them, you are imaginative but not creative.
Linda Naiman
Pete's Media Blog
The word 'creative' has many meanings- the most democratic meaning would really suggest that any act of making something (even making an idea) might be seen as a creative act. In more elitist versions of the term, it is reserved for those who are seen as highly skilled or original (famous artists, musicians, film-makers etc). An interesting third alternative is to think about how creativity can be an unconscious, random or collaborative act that becomes more than the sum of its parts.
Petes Mediablog
After researching into a variety of online definitions of “creativity” I created my own to help encourage my understanding of the word and its meaning. Within the process of making my own definition I found I agreed with the majority of Linda Naiman’s studies. Within her work she emphasises on the fact that creativity originates from is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality.
My own definition of “creativity”
Part of my own definition of “creativity” is agreeing with Linda Naiman’s points reinforcing the ideas that creativity involves the two processes: both thinking and then producing. Arguably Pete’s Mediablog is also true as it encourages the idea that being creative suggests the act of making something. Wikipedia focuses more on the problem side of the work and that you are imaginative, but not creative. I also have comprehended through other independent research that creativity is formed when developing imaginative ideas and can be reinforced through different techniques within the Media.
My final comments on "creativity" ..
After all of the knowledge and lessons focussing on different skills to support our creative ideas, it is clear that these ideas will be very important throughout my A2 Media Work. Within my awareness of creativity it has enabled me to be a lot more imaginative when posting various blogs for this specific course work. I have been noticeably more visual and "creative". Such examples include instead of just writing out my class notes I have made different mind maps with my ideas and photographed them and published them to blogger that way. This is shown in coming posts, with this in mind it has benefited my way of learning as well as being creative. Within completing the “creativity activity” there was noticeably a serious of restrictions that we had to deal with. Within our school lied various limits and boundaries, I didn’t necessarily have enough resources that I would have preferred and couldn’t be equipped for the most ideal of activities. Adding to this, I personally had a restriction within the fact I am not as creative in the way I think compared to other, more artistic, students. Preferably I would like to have performed a musical piece or take a series of photographs, but I was restricted by both time and my ability as a student. When doing this activity, different people’s abilities and creative minds were brought together and as a class we presented our ideas in a variety of ways. My new awareness of creativity has given me a broader imagination for determining the basic plot of my short film ideas and script. Due to watching a variety of short films, being creative in the sense that I strained my initial favourite genres, I have elaborated upon a point I never thought I would.
30/6/10 - Make sure you follow the instructions carefully you need to reflect on if you feel that the game of consequences and pen video allowed you to be creative. Link this to the theorists. Then in your own definition I wnated you to reference the theorists not just quote chunks. The definition needs to come from you and then have your comments backed up by or argued by the theory. Sorry re-work this one Kelly. SHIPP
ReplyDeleteWell done for responding to my last comment. All I want you to do now is a sentence or two about how your new awareness of creativity might help you with your A2 tasks. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeletePlease see my last point in the previous comment.
ReplyDeleteCome on Kelly stay on top of the work!