New Media is a generic term for the many different forms of electronic communication that are made possible through the use of computer technology. Old media forms include printed newspapers and magazines where as the “New Media” includes websites, email, Digital cameras, mobile communication and web advertising. The use of the term “New media” implies that the date communication is happening between desktop and laptop computers, and the media they take data from, such as compact discs, USB’s or floppy disks.
Below is a montage of images that I used, the images are of forms of "New Media" technology.
During preproduction work, as well as the actual filming and evaluation a series of new media technology resources were used enhance the quality of our short film project.
1) Communication via text message and phone calls: Considering Charlotte (A member of our production group), goes to Hemel school and only attends Kings Langley for Media; it is hard to contact her in person regarding Media all the time. Instead, it is a lot easier to phone or text when we have relevant information regarding filming or any queries in general. Text messaging is an easy way to communicate with everyone, and I used this method a lot during filming. If mobile communication wasn’t possible, our filming would have been a lot more difficult. As a group we still would have been able to cope, but the process would have been a lot longer and less organised. Having the ability to contact each other when ever we need is encouraging and emphasises the benefits of working closely as a group.
2) USB Sticks: Usb drives became incredibly useful during all of our media work. They are an easy way to transfer documents from different desktops. I used my memory stick when completing work I had previously done at school, to finish at home. My memory stick also acted as a method of backing up my work in case I suffered from any digital problems on my laptop or school log in. Using a memory stick is quick and easy and was very handy. As a group we could easily transfer each others work onto our own desktops without any hassle. If New Media technology wasn’t available, resulting is us not being to use USB sticks, the process of transferring documents would have taken a significantly longer amount of time. Instead we would have to produce several copies of our work and transferred the documents individually.
2) USB Sticks: Usb drives became incredibly useful during all of our media work. They are an easy way to transfer documents from different desktops. I used my memory stick when completing work I had previously done at school, to finish at home. My memory stick also acted as a method of backing up my work in case I suffered from any digital problems on my laptop or school log in. Using a memory stick is quick and easy and was very handy. As a group we could easily transfer each others work onto our own desktops without any hassle. If New Media technology wasn’t available, resulting is us not being to use USB sticks, the process of transferring documents would have taken a significantly longer amount of time. Instead we would have to produce several copies of our work and transferred the documents individually.
3) Cannon Digital Camera: The digital camera was used a lot during our filming for our short film. Taking pictures encouraged us to demonstrate the different use of light, the variety of shots as well as the involvement from everyone in the group. The photographs taken also helped develop my post card design and without the camera on the set I would not have been able to have the specific design I wanted. The Cannon Digital Camera produces pictures of an excellent quality and we borrowed the camera from the school throughout our work. If the camera was not available, we instead would have had to use our mobile phones. This could have worked, but the pictures would not have been of such a great quality which affectively could have lowered our final grades.
4) Hotmail Email Account: Similar to my USB stick, using an email account allowed me to transfer my work so I could open it on different desktops. It was also possible to use the email account as a form of communication, but in our case we didn’t need to use it to its full advantage due to having other forms of new media that were a lot easier. Once again, this example of New Media just made the process of transferring our preproduction work a lot easier and more sufficient.
5) Blogger Web Page: Blogger is the webpage used to publish all of our documents for our Media coursework. Blogger has the advantage of us being able to personalise the layout and organise our work in the best way possible. We are marked in a variety of different ways, and to conform to these marks we have to complete different blog posts. Blogger is the important, to us students, example of a new media technology and if it wasn’t available it would be incredibly hard for us to publish our work and meet the criteria of the exam board.
6) Youtube: The website www.youtube.co.uk was very popular and useful for the production work for our short film. Youtube enabled us to look at examples of different short films, as well as publishing our own documents. Youtube is what our final film was published to, but we also used youtube accounts to publish different videos to help us develop our understanding of the conventions used in a short film. If youtube wasn’t available, it would have been virtually impossible for us to publish our short film.
7) Short Film Convention Website: The website published shows the conventions of a short film as well as showing a variety of examples. It also provides us with a detailed definition of what a short film is. I used this website to help develop a lot of my written work during our preproduction work. Arguably though, it the website wasn’t available it wouldn’t have affected the film product drastically. The website simply provided me with inspiration and a few ideas for the theory work on my short film.