Before creating my film review, I completed a variety of research activities on different styles of other film reviews both online and on paper. Overall, I have based my film review around Sight and Sound reviews. I have affectively achieved this by adding additional articles on the side of my review to make it look more realistic as well as including photographs from the film. Through research it became apparent that the Sight and Sound reviews always tend to include an analysis of the film as well as a brief synopsis. The review is also visually satisfying and attracts a wide audience, the review analyses films from a professional point of view as well as engaging with readers. I chose to use this style as apposed to examples from Empire Magazine as I felt it was more sufficient for our short film.
The most important aspect I felt for a film review was not only the content, but also the visual structure of the review itself. By drafting a template of my design this enabled me to compare its layout to the reviews of Sight and Sound as well as ensuring me that I remained the sense of continuity, by using images from my film, as well as a theme that would apply to my films audience. I felt that with the Empire articles a lot of the reviews are based upon the verdict of one specific reporter and this of course can in some sense seem bias. Empire reviews also appeared to not pay as much attention to the fine detail used in the film and can base a lot of the review on opinion rather than fact. With regards to this, this supports the reasoning behind my choice of using the basic templates of a Sight and Sound review as apposed to any other.

Even though I knew I wanted to follow the conventions used in the Sight and Sound review and I had analysed the features used in Empire reviews, I still wanted to briefly look at other magazine reviews. I initially wanted to see how their layout differed to those that appeared online and also how the reviews differed when they were published in a general magazine as apposed to a specific film magazine. During my research on reviews I also read a lot of traditional magazine reviews. Through this reading, my basic understanding is that the reviews published in magazines, such as the issue scanned from OK Magazine, overall fail to show a detailed analysis of the film viewed, instead they briefly discus the basic plot line and rate the film in comparison to others similar or distributed by the same production company. This isn’t what I wanted my film review to look like, but after looking into detail at its conventions, it made me realise that the information that is included in my review needs to be of a great detail and good quality in order for it to be on par with the Sight and Sound review like I hope.
The "Sight and Sound" review below is the article I am basing my film review upon. I have also added an additional advertisement to my article, as it was a common factor in other reviews. I personally feel I have overall, conformed to the codes and conventions of film review successfully.