The penultimate piece of work I completed before actually writing my script was to create a series of character profiles for both my main characters. Having already completed detailed character profiles in the previous post, i focused mainly on the characters emotion and how they act within the short film. This helped me to become visual and jot down, prior to my time line of events, any additional ideas I wanted to develop for my short film. As shown below my character profiles have words and short sentences to briefly describe their personality and the events that happen to them. By doing this my ideas became a lot clearer in my head and I felt near enough ready to then write my first draft of my script.
To conclude in my background study for creating my script, as a class we completed an “8way thinking guide” to bring all of our ideas together. The guide consisted of 8 points, where in which we had to develop questions that could be raised for our initial ideas. Our aim was then to answer the questions in our short film and research. For example, in the point “Feelings” my main question was “What emotions do both characters feel when they find out they are talking to each other?” This was highlighted to me as a key idea that I needed to answer and within writing my script I ensured I answered the question. Furthermore the other points were: Words, people, nature, sights, number, sounds and actions. By completing this guide it enabled me to focus on all aspects that should be included when creating a short film.
To conclude in my background study for creating my script, as a class we completed an “8way thinking guide” to bring all of our ideas together. The guide consisted of 8 points, where in which we had to develop questions that could be raised for our initial ideas. Our aim was then to answer the questions in our short film and research. For example, in the point “Feelings” my main question was “What emotions do both characters feel when they find out they are talking to each other?” This was highlighted to me as a key idea that I needed to answer and within writing my script I ensured I answered the question. Furthermore the other points were: Words, people, nature, sights, number, sounds and actions. By completing this guide it enabled me to focus on all aspects that should be included when creating a short film.
Prior to all the research for my script I thought it would be in my best interest to research into Anorexia. By doing this I will have additional information which will help with dealing with the problem in the latter part of my script. I am focussing the idea of an eating disorder on character Jayney Ray; I intend to explore the ideas dealing with her parents and how she has kept it hidden for a long period of time. I found a lot of information out whilst studying in depth into these ideas, and the websites I came across linked me to a range of people’s views and past experiences. With this in mind it was helpful due to know I am more aware of the sorts of anxieties and confidence the characters have. The link below shows a website which I used a lot when planning ideas based around anorexia. The website is mainly for family and friends coping with someone’s eating disorder, this enabled me to work with these ideas for the pros and cons of my character. FamilyAndFriendsCopingWithEatingDisorders.html
I decided to take a photo of my progress when writing my script, as you can see I am using all my independent study rescources to help me develop my script in the best way possible.